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Supporting Functions

Support Functions


Please note that the following functions in the module are not meant to be used directly, as they are used by other functions within the module. The goal of useful-math-functions is to minimize the use of third-party dependencies in its functions. However, certain functions are utilized by multiple other functions, and are therefore implemented in the support_functions module to avoid duplicating code. Additionally, some functions still require the scipy package in order to be fully executed.

Compute the Faddeeva function for a given complex argument.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def wofz(z: UniversalArray) -> UniversalArray:
    """Compute the Faddeeva function for a given complex argument."""
    return np.exp(-(z**2)) * numeric_erfc(-1j * z)

Compute the complementary error function for a given complex argument.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def erfc(z: UniversalArray) -> UniversalArray:
    """Compute the complementary error function for a given complex argument."""
    return 1 - erf(z)

Compute the complementary error function for a given complex argument.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def numeric_erfc(z: UniversalArray) -> UniversalArray:
    """Compute the complementary error function for a given complex argument."""
    return 1 - numeric_erf(z)

Return the error function of x.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def erf(x: UniversalArray) -> UniversalArray:
    """Return the error function of x."""
    return np.vectorize(math.erf)(x)

Compute the error function for a given complex argument.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def numeric_erf(z: UniversalArray) -> UniversalArray:
    """Compute the error function for a given complex argument."""
    z = np.asarray(z)
    sign: UniversalArray = np.sign(z)
    z = sign * z
    t = 1 / (1 + 0.5 * z)
    result = 1 - t * np.exp(
        - 1.26551223
        + 1.00002368 * t
        + 0.37409196 * t**2
        + 0.09678418 * t**3
        - 0.18628806 * t**4
        + 0.27886807 * t**5
        - 1.13520398 * t**6
        + 1.48851587 * t**7
        - 0.82215223 * t**8
        + 0.17087277 * t**9,
    return sign * result

Return the gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation.


Name Type Description Default
x UniversalArray

The value(s) at which the function is evaluated.

batch_size int

The batch size for the Lanczos approximation. Defaults to 100.



Name Type Description
UniversalArray UniversalArray

The gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def gamma(x: UniversalArray, batch_size: int = 100) -> UniversalArray:
    """Return the gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation.

        x (UniversalArray): The value(s) at which the function is evaluated.
        batch_size (int): The batch size for the Lanczos approximation. Defaults to 100.

        UniversalArray: The gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation.

    # Define the coefficients of the Lanczos approximation
    def _gamma(x: UniversalArray) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation."""
        g = 7
        p: list[float] = [

        if np.any(np.less(x, 0.5)):
            return np.pi / (np.sin(np.pi * x) * _gamma(1 - x))
        x = x - 1
        a = p[0] + np.sum([p[i] / (x + i) for i in range(1, len(p))], axis=0)
        t = x + g + 0.5
        return np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.power(t, x + 0.5) * np.exp(-t) * a

    y: UniversalArray = np.zeros_like(x)

    for i in range(0, len(x), batch_size):
        y[i : i + batch_size] = _gamma(x[i : i + batch_size])
    return y

Return the number of combinations of n things taken k at a time.


Name Type Description Default
n int | ndarray

The number of things.

k int | ndarray

The number of things taken at a time.



Type Description
int | ndarray

int | np.ndarray: The number of combinations of n things taken k at a time.

Source code in umf/functions/other/
def combinations(n: int | np.ndarray, k: int | np.ndarray) -> int | np.ndarray:
    """Return the number of combinations of n things taken k at a time.

        n (int | np.ndarray): The number of things.
        k (int | np.ndarray): The number of things taken at a time.

        int | np.ndarray: The number of combinations of n things taken k at a time.
    n = np.array(n, dtype=int)
    k = np.array(k, dtype=int)
    if n.ndim == 0:
        return math.factorial(n) // (math.factorial(k) * math.factorial(n - k))
    c: np.ndarray = np.zeros_like(n)
    for i in np.ndindex(n.shape):
        c[i] = math.factorial(n[i]) // (
            math.factorial(k[i]) * math.factorial(n[i] - k[i])
    return c