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Dataset Generation

OptBench Dataset Generation

Dataset Generation

This page describes how to generate the OptBench dataset, which covers a wide range a wide range of different formats:

  • Text file based as *.csv and *.json
  • Binary file based as *.npy
  • Image file based as *.png for 2D, 3D, and gif animations. Furthermore, the image files can also contains series of different functions, if the used functions are 2D.
Text file based dataset generation
    "x_0": [
        -5.0, -4.9, -4.800000000000001, -4.700000000000001, -4.600000000000001,
        -4.500000000000002, -4.400000000000002, -4.3000000000000025,
        -4.200000000000003, -4.100000000000003, -4.0000000000000036,
        -3.900000000000004, -3.8000000000000043, -3.7000000000000046,
        -3.600000000000005, -3.5000000000000053, -3.4000000000000057,
        -3.300000000000006, -3.2000000000000064, -3.1000000000000068,
        -3.000000000000007, -2.9000000000000075, -2.800000000000008,
        -2.700000000000008, -2.6000000000000085, -2.500000000000009,
        -2.4000000000000092, -2.3000000000000096, -2.20000000000001,
        -2.1000000000000103, -2.0000000000000107, -1.900000000000011,
        -1.8000000000000114, -1.7000000000000117, -1.600000000000012,
        -1.5000000000000124, -1.4000000000000128, -1.3000000000000131,
        -1.2000000000000135, -1.1000000000000139, -1.0000000000000142,
        -0.9000000000000146, -0.8000000000000149, -0.7000000000000153,
        -0.6000000000000156, -0.500000000000016, -0.40000000000001634,
        -0.3000000000000167, -0.20000000000001705, -0.10000000000001741,
        -1.7763568394002505e-14, 0.09999999999998188, 0.19999999999998153,
        0.29999999999998117, 0.3999999999999808, 0.49999999999998046,
        0.5999999999999801, 0.6999999999999797, 0.7999999999999794,
        0.899999999999979, 0.9999999999999787, 1.0999999999999783,
        1.199999999999978, 1.2999999999999776, 1.3999999999999773,
        1.499999999999977, 1.5999999999999766, 1.6999999999999762,
        1.7999999999999758, 1.8999999999999755, 1.9999999999999751,
        2.0999999999999748, 2.1999999999999744, 2.299999999999974,
        2.3999999999999737, 2.4999999999999734, 2.599999999999973,
        2.6999999999999726, 2.7999999999999723, 2.899999999999972,
        2.9999999999999716, 3.0999999999999712, 3.199999999999971,
        3.2999999999999705, 3.39999999999997, 3.49999999999997,
        3.5999999999999694, 3.699999999999969, 3.7999999999999687,
        3.8999999999999684, 3.999999999999968, 4.099999999999968,
        4.199999999999967, 4.299999999999967, 4.399999999999967,
        4.499999999999966, 4.599999999999966, 4.6999999999999655,
        4.799999999999965, 4.899999999999965
        ], ...

For the generation of the dataset, the following code snippet can be used:

Image Generation
Example - I
Alt text
Alt text
Example - II
Alt text
Example - I
Alt text
Alt text
Example - II
Alt text

A class for optimizing and benchmarking mathematical functions.

About OptBench

This class inherits from the FunctionBorg, PlotBorg, and SaveBorg classes, which allows it to share state across multiple instances. It defines various properties and methods for managing settings related to plotting, such as the size and resolution of the plot, the axis labels, the color scheme, and the plot style (either Matplotlib or Plotly). It also defines a plot method that plots the shared states of a math function using either Matplotlib or Plotly, depending on the value of the _plot_style attribute.


Python Console Session
>>> # 3D examples
>>> from umf.core.create import OptBench
>>> res = OptBench(["DeJongN5Function", "AckleyFunction"], dim=3)
>>> = False
>>> res.plot_type_3d = "plot_surface"
>>> res.plot_style = "matplot"
>>> res.plot()
>>> res.save_as_image(dir_name="matplot")
>>> # As plotly
>>> res.plot_style = "plotly"
>>> res.plot()
>>> res.save_as_image(dir_name="plotly")
>>> res.save_as_csv(dir_name="csv")
>>> res.save_as_json(dir_name="json")
Python Console Session
>>> # 2D examples
>>> from umf.core.create import OptBench
>>> res = OptBench(
...     [
...         "CrystalBallDistribution",
...         "PseudoVoigtDistribution",
...         "AsymmetricRamanLineshape",
...     ],
...     [
...         {"mu": 1.0, "sigma":2, "alpha":0.5, "n":1.0},
...         {"mu": 1.0, "sigma":2, "eta":0.5},
...         {"mu": 1.0, "sigma":2, "eta":0.5, "gamma":0.5},
...     ],
...     start=-10,
...     stop=10,
...     step_size=0.1,
...     dim=2,
... )
>>> = False
>>> res.plot_style = "matplot"
>>> res.plot_series()
>>> res.save_as_image(dir_name="matplot")
>>> # As plotly
>>> res.plot_style = "plotly"
>>> res.plot_series()
>>> res.save_as_image(dir_name="plotly")


Name Type Description Default
func_name list[str] | str

Name of the function(s) to optimize and benchmark.

func_args list[dict[str, Any]] | dict[str, Any] | None

Arguments for the function(s). Defaults to None.

start float

Start value of the range. Defaults to -5.0.

stop float

Stop value of the range. Defaults to 5.0.

step_size float | int

Step value of the range or number of maximum steps. Defaults to 0.1.

dim int

Number of dimensions. Defaults to 2.

mode str

Mode for creating the range of values. Must be either 'arange' or 'linspace'. Defaults to "arange".



Type Description

Mode must be either 'arange' or 'linspace'.


Number of dimensions must be greater than 1.


Name Type Description
dim int

Number of dimensions.

shared_result dict

Dictionary containing arrays for plotting and saving.


Name Description

Make arrays for plotting, saving and add them to share result.


float, stop: float,


float, dim: int = 2, mode: str = "arange")

-> list[UniversalArray] | MeshArray

Create range of values for each dimension.