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Mixed Distribution

Crystal Ball Distribution

Crystal Ball distribution.

The Crystal Ball distribution, which is sometimes also called the Crystal Ball function, is a continuous but asymmetric probability distribution on the real line.[^1] This type of function is often used in physics to model the invariant mass of a particle or system of particles, especially when there is a known background contribution.[^2]


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
... CrystalBallDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-25, 5, 1000)
>>> y_111 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, n=1, alpha=1).__eval__
>>> y_211 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=2, n=1, alpha=1).__eval__
>>> y_121 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, n=2, alpha=1).__eval__
>>> y_221 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=2, n=2, alpha=1).__eval__
>>> y_112 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, n=1, alpha=2).__eval__
>>> y_222 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=2, n=2, alpha=2).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_111, label=r"$\sigma=1, n=1, \alpha=1$")
>>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_211, label=r"$\sigma=2, n=1, \alpha=1$")
>>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_121, label=r"$\sigma=1, n=2, \alpha=1$")
>>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_221, label=r"$\sigma=2, n=2, \alpha=1$")
>>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_112, label=r"$\sigma=1, n=1, \alpha=2$")
>>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_222, label=r"$\sigma=2, n=2, \alpha=2$")
>>> _  = ax.set_xlabel("x")
>>> _  = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
>>> _  = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("CrystalBallDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Crystal Ball distribution is defined as follows for probability density

\[ f(x;\alpha ,n,{\bar {x}},\sigma )=N\cdot {\begin{cases}\exp \left(-{\frac {(x-{\bar {x}})^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}}\right),&{\mbox{for }}{ \frac {x-{\bar {x}}}{\sigma }}>-\alpha \\A\cdot \left(B-{\frac {x-{\bar {x}}}{\sigma }} \right)^{-n},&{\mbox{for }}{\frac {x-{\bar {x}}}{\sigma }}\leqslant -\alpha \end{cases}} \]


\[ A=\left({\frac {n}{\left|\alpha \right|}}\right)^{n}\cdot \exp \left(-{\frac {\left|\alpha \right|^{2}}{2}}\right) \]
\[ B={\frac {n}{\left|\alpha \right|}}-\left|\alpha \right| \]
\[ N={\frac {1}{\sigma (C+D)}} \]
\[ C={\frac {n}{\left|\alpha \right|}}\cdot {\frac {1}{n-1}} \cdot \exp \left(-{\frac {\left|\alpha \right|^{2}}{2}}\right) \]
\[ D={\sqrt {{\frac {\pi }{2}}}}\left(1+\operatorname {erf} \left({\frac {\left|\alpha \right|}{{\sqrt 2}}}\right)\right) \]

See also: crystalball.html

About the Normalization

The normalization constant \(N\) might be not correct implemented because for the zero-division case \(n=1\) the normalization constant \(N\) is set to one to achieve a optical match with the reference figures of 1.

  1. Crystal Ball function. (2020, November 27). In Wikipedia. 

  2. Tomasz Skwarnicki, A study of the radiative CASCADE transitions between _ the Upsilon-Prime and Upsilon resonances_, PHD-Thesis, DESY-F31-86-02, Apr. 1986 


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

The points at which to evaluate the distribution.

mu float

The mean of the Gaussian region.

sigma float

The standard deviation of the Gaussian region.

n float

The power of the power-law region.

alpha float

: The location of the transition between the Gaussian and power-law regions.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class CrystalBallDistribution(ContinuousWSigma):
    r"""Crystal Ball distribution.

    The Crystal Ball distribution, which is sometimes also called the Crystal
    Ball function, is a continuous but asymmetric probability distribution on the real
    line.[^1] This type of function is often used in physics to model the invariant
    mass of a particle or system of particles, especially when there is a known
    background contribution.[^2]

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
        ... CrystalBallDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-25, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_111 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, n=1, alpha=1).__eval__
        >>> y_211 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=2, n=1, alpha=1).__eval__
        >>> y_121 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, n=2, alpha=1).__eval__
        >>> y_221 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=2, n=2, alpha=1).__eval__
        >>> y_112 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, n=1, alpha=2).__eval__
        >>> y_222 = CrystalBallDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=2, n=2, alpha=2).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = plt.subplot()
        >>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_111, label=r"$\sigma=1, n=1, \alpha=1$")
        >>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_211, label=r"$\sigma=2, n=1, \alpha=1$")
        >>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_121, label=r"$\sigma=1, n=2, \alpha=1$")
        >>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_221, label=r"$\sigma=2, n=2, \alpha=1$")
        >>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_112, label=r"$\sigma=1, n=1, \alpha=2$")
        >>> _  = ax.plot(x, y_222, label=r"$\sigma=2, n=2, \alpha=2$")
        >>> _  = ax.set_xlabel("x")
        >>> _  = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
        >>> _  = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("CrystalBallDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Crystal Ball distribution is defined as follows for probability density

        f(x;\alpha ,n,{\bar {x}},\sigma )=N\cdot {\begin{cases}\exp
        \left(-{\frac {(x-{\bar {x}})^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}}\right),&{\mbox{for }}{
        \frac {x-{\bar {x}}}{\sigma }}>-\alpha \\A\cdot
        \left(B-{\frac {x-{\bar {x}}}{\sigma }}
        \right)^{-n},&{\mbox{for }}{\frac {x-{\bar {x}}}{\sigma }}\leqslant -\alpha


        A=\left({\frac  {n}{\left|\alpha \right|}}\right)^{n}\cdot \exp
        \left(-{\frac  {\left|\alpha \right|^{2}}{2}}\right)

        B={\frac  {n}{\left|\alpha \right|}}-\left|\alpha \right|

        N={\frac  {1}{\sigma (C+D)}}

        C={\frac  {n}{\left|\alpha \right|}}\cdot {\frac  {1}{n-1}}
        \cdot \exp \left(-{\frac  {\left|\alpha \right|^{2}}{2}}\right)

        D={\sqrt  {{\frac  {\pi }{2}}}}\left(1+\operatorname {erf}
        \left({\frac  {\left|\alpha \right|}{{\sqrt  2}}}\right)\right)

        See also:

        !!! warning "About the Normalization"
            The normalization constant $N$ might be not correct implemented because
            for the zero-division case $n=1$ the normalization constant $N$ is set to
            one to achieve a optical match with the reference figures of [^2].

        [^1]: Tomasz Skwarnicki, _A study of the radiative CASCADE transitions between_
            _ the Upsilon-Prime and Upsilon resonances_, **PHD-Thesis**, DESY-F31-86-02,
            Apr. 1986
        [^2]: Crystal Ball function. (2020, November 27). _In Wikipedia._

        *x (UniversalArray): The points at which to evaluate the distribution.
        mu (float): The mean of the Gaussian region.
        sigma (float): The standard deviation of the Gaussian region.
        n (float): The power of the power-law region.
        alpha (float):: The location of the transition between the Gaussian and
            power-law regions.

    def __init__(
        *x: UniversalArray,
        mu: float = 0,
        sigma: float = 1,
        n: float = 1,
        alpha: float = 1,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the Crystal Ball distribution."""
        super().__init__(*x, mu=mu, sigma=sigma)

        if n <= 0:
            raise NotLargerThanZeroError(number=n)

        if alpha < 0:
            raise NotLargerThanZeroError(number=alpha)

        self.n = n
        self.alpha = alpha

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Probability density function of the Crystal Ball distribution."""
        _a = (self.n / abs(self.alpha)) ** self.n * np.exp(
            -(self.alpha**2) / 2,
        _b = self.n / abs(self.alpha) - abs(self.alpha)
        if self.n == 1:
            _n = self.n
            _c = self.n / abs(self.alpha) / (self.n - 1) * np.exp(-(self.alpha**2) / 2)
            _d = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * (1 + erf(x=abs(self.alpha) / np.sqrt(2)))
            _n = 1 / (self.sigma * (_c + _d))
        return np.where(
            (self._x - / self.sigma > -self.alpha,
            _n * np.exp(-((self._x - ** 2) / (2 * self.sigma**2)),
            _n * _a * (_b - (self._x - / self.sigma) ** (-self.n),

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Summary statistics of the Crystal Ball distribution."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
n = n instance-attribute
Probability Density Function

Pearson Type VII Distribution

Pearson VII distribution.

The Pearson VII distribution is a continuous probability distribution on the real line. It is a generalization of the Student's t-distribution and the Cauchy distribution. This function becomes popular for X-ray diffraction data analysis.[^1]


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
... PearsonVIIDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_1 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=1).__eval__
>>> y_2 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=2).__eval__
>>> y_3 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=3).__eval__
>>> y_4 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=4).__eval__
>>> y_5 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=5).__eval__
>>> y_6 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=6).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_1, label=r"$p=1$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_2, label=r"$p=2$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_3, label=r"$p=3$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_4, label=r"$p=4$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_5, label=r"$p=5$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_6, label=r"$p=6$")
>>> _ = ax.set_xlabel("x")
>>> _ = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("PearsonVIIDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Pearson VII distribution is defined as follows for probability density

\[ f(x;\mu ,\sigma ,p)=\frac {\Gamma \left({\frac {p}{2}}\right)} {\sigma {\sqrt {\pi }}\,\Gamma \left({\frac {p-1}{2}}\right)}\left[1+ \left({\frac {x-\mu }{\sigma }}\right)^{2}\right]^{-{\frac {p}{2}}} \]

1 Gupta, S. K. (1998). Peak Decomposition using Pearson Type VII Function. Journal of Applied Crystalography, 31(3), 474-476.

See also: and


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

The points at which to evaluate the distribution.

mu float

The mean of the distribution.

sigma float

The standard deviation of the distribution.

p float

The shape parameter of the distribution.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class PearsonVIIDistribution(ContinuousWSigma):
    r"""Pearson VII distribution.

    The Pearson VII distribution is a continuous probability distribution on the real
    line. It is a generalization of the Student's t-distribution and the Cauchy
    distribution. This function becomes popular for X-ray diffraction data analysis.[^1]

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
        ... PearsonVIIDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_1 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=1).__eval__
        >>> y_2 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=2).__eval__
        >>> y_3 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=3).__eval__
        >>> y_4 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=4).__eval__
        >>> y_5 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=5).__eval__
        >>> y_6 = PearsonVIIDistribution(x, mu=0, sigma=1, p=6).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = plt.subplot()
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_1, label=r"$p=1$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_2, label=r"$p=2$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_3, label=r"$p=3$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_4, label=r"$p=4$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_5, label=r"$p=5$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_6, label=r"$p=6$")
        >>> _ = ax.set_xlabel("x")
        >>> _ = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("PearsonVIIDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Pearson VII distribution is defined as follows for probability density

        f(x;\mu ,\sigma ,p)=\frac {\Gamma \left({\frac {p}{2}}\right)}
        {\sigma {\sqrt {\pi }}\,\Gamma \left({\frac {p-1}{2}}\right)}\left[1+
        \left({\frac {x-\mu }{\sigma }}\right)^{2}\right]^{-{\frac {p}{2}}}

        [^1] Gupta, S. K. (1998). Peak Decomposition using Pearson Type VII Function.
            Journal of Applied Crystalography, 31(3), 474-476.

        See also: and

        *x (UniversalArray): The points at which to evaluate the distribution.
        mu (float): The mean of the distribution.
        sigma (float): The standard deviation of the distribution.
        p (float): The shape parameter of the distribution.

    def __init__(
        *x: UniversalArray,
        mu: float = 0,
        sigma: float = 1,
        p: float = 1,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the Pearson VII distribution."""
        super().__init__(*x, mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
        self.p = p

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Probability density function of the Pearson VII distribution."""
        return (
            gammaln(self.p / 2)
            / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(np.pi) * gammaln((self.p - 1) / 2))
            * (1 + ((self._x - / self.sigma) ** 2) ** (-self.p / 2)

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Summary statistics of the Pearson VII distribution."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function

Asymmetric Raman Lineshape Distribution

Asymmetric Raman lineshape distribution.

The Asymmetric Raman lineshape distribution is a continuous probability, which is a modified version of the Pseudo-Voigt distribution. It is a convolution of a Gaussian distribution and a Lorentzian distribution plus a damped sigmoidal term.[^1] This function becomes popular for Raman spectroscopy data analysis.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
... AsymmetricRamanLineshape
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_1 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.2,
... gamma=0.1
... ).__eval__
>>> y_2 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.2,
... gamma=0.2
... ).__eval__
>>> y_3 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.3,
... gamma=0.3,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_4 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.3,
... gamma=0.4,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_5 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.5,
... gamma=0.5,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_6 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.5,
... gamma=0.6,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_1, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.1$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_2, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.2$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_3, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.3$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_4, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.4$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_5, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.5$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_6, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.6$")
>>> _ = ax.set_xlabel("x")
>>> _ = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("AsymmetricRamanLineshape.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Asymmetric Raman lineshape distribution is defined as follows for probability density [^1]:

\[ f(x;\mu ,\sigma ,\eta, \gamma)=(1 - \eta) \cdot \textrm{Gauss}(x \cdot p(x; \gamma)) + \eta \cdot \textrm{Lorentzian}(x \cdot p(x; \gamma)) \]

with the mixing parameter \(\eta\) in the range \(0 \leq \eta \leq 1\) and the damped sigmoidal term \(p(x)\):

\[ p(x; \gamma) = 1 - \gamma \cdot \frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \cdot \exp \left(-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}\right) \]

[^1] Korepanov, V, I.and Sedlovets, D. M. (2018), An asymmetric fitting function for condensed-phase Raman spectroscopy, Analyst RSC, 2674-2679 (143)


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

The points at which to evaluate the distribution.

mu float

The mean of the distribution.

sigma float

The standard deviation of the distribution.

eta float

The mixing parameter of the distribution.

gamma float

The damping parameter of the distribution.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class AsymmetricRamanLineshape(ContinousAsymmetricPseudo):
    r"""Asymmetric Raman lineshape distribution.

    The Asymmetric Raman lineshape distribution is a continuous probability, which is
    a modified version of the Pseudo-Voigt distribution. It is a convolution of a
    Gaussian distribution and a Lorentzian distribution plus a damped sigmoidal
    term.[^1] This function becomes popular for Raman spectroscopy data analysis.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
        ... AsymmetricRamanLineshape
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_1 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.2,
        ... gamma=0.1
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_2 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.2,
        ... gamma=0.2
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_3 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.3,
        ... gamma=0.3,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_4 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.3,
        ... gamma=0.4,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_5 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.5,
        ... gamma=0.5,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_6 = AsymmetricRamanLineshape(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.5,
        ... gamma=0.6,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = plt.subplot()
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_1, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.1$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_2, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.2$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_3, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.3$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_4, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.4$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_5, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.5$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_6, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.6$")
        >>> _ = ax.set_xlabel("x")
        >>> _ = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("AsymmetricRamanLineshape.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Asymmetric Raman lineshape distribution is defined as follows for
        probability density [^1]:

        f(x;\mu ,\sigma ,\eta, \gamma)=(1 - \eta) \cdot \textrm{Gauss}(x \cdot
        p(x; \gamma)) + \eta \cdot \textrm{Lorentzian}(x \cdot p(x; \gamma))

        with the mixing parameter $\eta$ in the range $0 \leq \eta \leq 1$ and the
        damped sigmoidal term $p(x)$:

        p(x; \gamma) = 1 - \gamma \cdot \frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \cdot
        \exp \left(-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}\right)

        [^1] Korepanov, V, I.and Sedlovets, D. M. (2018),
            An asymmetric fitting function for condensed-phase Raman spectroscopy,
            Analyst RSC, 2674-2679 (143)

        *x: The points at which to evaluate the distribution.
        mu: The mean of the distribution.
        sigma: The standard deviation of the distribution.
        eta: The mixing parameter of the distribution.
        gamma: The damping parameter of the distribution.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Probability density function of the Asym. Raman lineshape distribution."""
        p = 1 - self.gamma * (self._x - / self.sigma * np.exp(
            -((self._x - ** 2) / (2 * self.sigma**2),
        return (1 - self.eta) * GaussianDistribution(
            self._x * p,
        ).probability_density_function() + self.eta * LorentzianDistribution(
            self._x * p,

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Summary statistics of the Asym. Raman lineshape distribution."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function

Modified Doniach-Sunjic Distribution

Doniach-Sunjic distribution.

The Doniach-Sunjic distribution is a continuous probability, which is a modified version of the Pseudo-Voigt distribution. It is a convolution of a Gaussian distribution and a Lorentzian distribution plus a damped sigmoidal term.[^1] This function becomes popular for XPS/AES data analysis. See also:


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
... ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_1 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.2,
... gamma=0.1
... ).__eval__
>>> y_2 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.2,
... gamma=0.2
... ).__eval__
>>> y_3 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.3,
... gamma=0.3,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_4 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.3,
... gamma=0.4,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_5 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.5,
... gamma=0.5,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_6 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... sigma=1,
... eta=0.5,
... gamma=0.6,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_1, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.1$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_2, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.2$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_3, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.3$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_4, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.4$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_5, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.5$")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_6, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.6$")
>>> _ = ax.set_xlabel("x")
>>> _ = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig(
... "ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution.png",
... dpi=300,
... transparent=True,
... )

The Doniach-Sunjic distribution as defined for casaxps is not the same as used in the current implementation. In the current implementation, the damping factor is included into the lorentzian model.


The Doniach-Sunjic distribution is defined as follows for probability density:

\[ f(x;\mu ,\sigma ,\eta, \gamma)= GL(x) + (1 - GL(x) \cdot p(x; \gamma)) \]

with GL(x) as the Gaussian-Lorentzian mixture function and the damped sigmoidal is defined as:

\[ p(x; \gamma) = \begin{cases} \exp \left(- \gamma \cdot \frac{(x-\mu)}{2 \sigma^2}\right) & \text{if } x < \mu \\ 0 & \text{if } x \geq \mu \end{cases} \]

and the mixing parameter \(\eta\) in the range \(0 \leq \eta \leq 1\). See also:


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

The points at which to evaluate the distribution.

mu float

The mean of the distribution.

sigma float

The standard deviation of the distribution.

eta float

The mixing parameter of the distribution.

gamma float

The damping parameter of the distribution.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(ContinousAsymmetricPseudo):
    r"""Doniach-Sunjic distribution.

    The Doniach-Sunjic distribution is a continuous probability, which is
    a modified version of the Pseudo-Voigt distribution. It is a convolution of a
    Gaussian distribution and a Lorentzian distribution plus a damped sigmoidal
    term.[^1] This function becomes popular for XPS/AES data analysis. See also:

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.mixed_discrete_continuous import (
        ... ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_1 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.2,
        ... gamma=0.1
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_2 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.2,
        ... gamma=0.2
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_3 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.3,
        ... gamma=0.3,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_4 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.3,
        ... gamma=0.4,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_5 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.5,
        ... gamma=0.5,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_6 = ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... eta=0.5,
        ... gamma=0.6,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = plt.subplot()
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_1, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.1$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_2, label=r"$\eta=0.2$, $\gamma=0.2$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_3, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.3$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_4, label=r"$\eta=0.3$, $\gamma=0.4$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_5, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.5$")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_6, label=r"$\eta=0.5$, $\gamma=0.6$")
        >>> _ = ax.set_xlabel("x")
        >>> _ = ax.set_ylabel("f(x)")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig(
        ... "ModifiedDoniachSunjicDistribution.png",
        ... dpi=300,
        ... transparent=True,
        ... )

        The Doniach-Sunjic distribution as defined for **casaxps** is not the same as
        used in the current implementation. In the current implementation, the damping
        factor is included into the lorentzian model.

        The Doniach-Sunjic distribution is defined as follows for probability density:

        f(x;\mu ,\sigma ,\eta, \gamma)= GL(x) + (1 - GL(x) \cdot p(x; \gamma))

        with GL(x) as the Gaussian-Lorentzian mixture function and the damped sigmoidal
        is defined as:

        p(x; \gamma) = \begin{cases} \exp \left(- \gamma \cdot
        \frac{(x-\mu)}{2 \sigma^2}\right) & \text{if } x < \mu \\
        0 & \text{if } x \geq \mu \end{cases}

        and the mixing parameter $\eta$ in the range $0 \leq \eta \leq 1$.
        See also:

        *x: The points at which to evaluate the distribution.
        mu: The mean of the distribution.
        sigma: The standard deviation of the distribution.
        eta: The mixing parameter of the distribution.
        gamma: The damping parameter of the distribution.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Probability density function of the Doniach-Sunjic distribution."""
        p = np.where(
            self._x <,
            np.exp(-self.gamma * (self._x - / (2 * self.sigma**2)),
        return (1 - self.eta) * GaussianDistribution(
        ).probability_density_function() + self.eta * LorentzianDistribution(
            self._x * p,

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Summary statistics of the Doniach-Sunjic distribution."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function