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Whole Line Support

Generalized Normal Distribution

Generalized normal distribution.

The generalized normal distribution is a probability distribution that extends the normal distribution to incorporate an additional shape parameter, allowing for greater flexibility in modeling a wider range of data distributions.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... GeneralizedNormalDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_beta_1 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(x, beta=1).__eval__
>>> y_beta_2 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(x, beta=2).__eval__
>>> y_beta_3 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(x, beta=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("GeneralizedNormalDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... GeneralizedNormalDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_beta_1 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(
... x,
... beta=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_beta_2 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(
... x,
... beta=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_beta_3 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(
... x,
... beta=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig(
... "GeneralizedNormalDistribution-cml.png",
... dpi=300,
... transparent=True,
... )

The generalized normal distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \beta, \mu, \alpha) = \frac{\alpha}{2\beta \Gamma(1/\alpha)} \exp\left(-\left|\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right|^\alpha\right) \]

and for the CDF as:

\[ F(x | \beta, \mu, \alpha) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\mathrm{sign}(x - \mu)}{2} \left(1 - \frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}, \left|\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right|^\alpha\right)}{\Gamma \left(\frac{1}{\alpha}\right)}\right) \]

where \(\alpha\) is the shape parameter, \(\beta\) is the scale parameter, and \(\mu\) is the location parameter plus \(\Gamma\) as the gamma function. The PDF is defined for \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) and \(\alpha, \beta > 0\). The CDF is defined for \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) and \(\alpha > 0\) and rquires the unnormalized lower incomplete gamma function.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

mu float

Location parameter. Defaults to 0.

alpha float

Shape parameter. Defaults to 1.

beta float

Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class GeneralizedNormalDistribution(ContinuousWBeta):
    r"""Generalized normal distribution.

    The generalized normal distribution is a probability distribution that extends the
    normal distribution to incorporate an additional shape parameter, allowing for
    greater flexibility in modeling a wider range of data distributions.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... GeneralizedNormalDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_beta_1 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(x, beta=1).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_2 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(x, beta=2).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_3 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(x, beta=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("GeneralizedNormalDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... GeneralizedNormalDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_beta_1 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_2 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_3 = GeneralizedNormalDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig(
        ... "GeneralizedNormalDistribution-cml.png",
        ... dpi=300,
        ... transparent=True,
        ... )

        The generalized normal distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \beta, \mu, \alpha) = \frac{\alpha}{2\beta \Gamma(1/\alpha)}
          \exp\left(-\left|\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right|^\alpha\right)

        and for the CDF as:

        F(x | \beta, \mu, \alpha) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\mathrm{sign}(x - \mu)}{2}
        \left(1 - \frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{\alpha},
        \left|\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right|^\alpha\right)}{\Gamma

        where $\alpha$ is the shape parameter, $\beta$ is the scale parameter, and
        $\mu$ is the location parameter plus $\Gamma$ as the gamma function.
        The PDF is defined for $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and $\alpha, \beta > 0$.
        The CDF is defined for $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and $\alpha > 0$ and rquires the
        unnormalized lower incomplete gamma function.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        mu (float): Location parameter. Defaults to 0.
        alpha (float): Shape parameter. Defaults to 1.
        beta (float): Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def __init__(
        *x: UniversalArray,
        mu: float = 0,
        alpha: float = 1,
        beta: float = 1,
        cumulative: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the function."""
        if beta < 0:
            msg = "beta"
            raise NotAPositiveNumberError(msg, beta)
        if alpha <= 0:
            msg = "alpha"
            raise NotLargerThanZeroError(msg, alpha)

        super().__init__(*x, mu=mu, beta=beta, cumulative=cumulative)
        self.alpha = alpha

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return (
            / (2 * self.alpha * gamma(1.0 / self.beta))
            * np.exp(-(np.abs((self._x - / self.alpha) ** self.beta))

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return 0.5 + np.sign(self._x - * (
            1 / (2 * gamma(1 / self.beta))
        ) * gammainc(
            1 / self.beta,
            np.abs((self._x - / self.alpha) ** self.beta,

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
            variance=self.alpha**2 * gamma(3 / self.beta) / gamma(1 / self.beta),
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
GeneralizedNormalDistribution GeneralizedNormalDistribution-CML

Gaussian Distribution

Gaussian distribution.

The Gaussian distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely used in statistics to describe the normal distributions.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... GaussianDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_sigma_1 = GaussianDistribution(x, sigma=1).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_2 = GaussianDistribution(x, sigma=2).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_3 = GaussianDistribution(x, sigma=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1, label="sigma=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_2, label="sigma=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_3, label="sigma=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("GaussianDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... GaussianDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_sigma_1 = GaussianDistribution(
... x,
... sigma=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_2 = GaussianDistribution(
... x,
... sigma=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_3 = GaussianDistribution(
... x,
... sigma=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1, label="sigma=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_2, label="sigma=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_3, label="sigma=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("GaussianDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Gaussian distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp\left(-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \]

and for the CDF as:

\[ F(x | \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{2} \left[1 + \mathrm{erf} \left(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma \sqrt{2}}\right)\right] \]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

sigma float

Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.

mu float

Mean. Defaults to 0.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class GaussianDistribution(ContinuousWSigma):
    r"""Gaussian distribution.

    The Gaussian distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely
    used in statistics to describe the normal distributions.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... GaussianDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_sigma_1 = GaussianDistribution(x, sigma=1).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_2 = GaussianDistribution(x, sigma=2).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_3 = GaussianDistribution(x, sigma=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1, label="sigma=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_2, label="sigma=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_3, label="sigma=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("GaussianDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... GaussianDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_sigma_1 = GaussianDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_2 = GaussianDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... sigma=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_3 = GaussianDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... sigma=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1, label="sigma=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_2, label="sigma=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_3, label="sigma=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("GaussianDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Gaussian distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}
          \exp\left(-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)

        and for the CDF as:

        F(x | \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{2} \left[1 + \mathrm{erf}
        \left(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma \sqrt{2}}\right)\right]

        where $\mu$ is the mean and $\sigma$ is the standard deviation.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        sigma (float): Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.
        mu (float): Mean. Defaults to 0.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return (
            / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
            * np.exp(-((self._x - ** 2) / (2 * self.sigma**2))

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return 0.5 * (1 + erf((self._x - / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2))))

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
GaussianDistribution GaussianDistribution-CML

Skew Gaussian Distribution

Skew Gaussian distribution.

The Skew Gaussian distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely used in statistics to describe the normal distributions with skewness.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... SkewGaussianDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_sigma_1_alpha_0 = SkewGaussianDistribution(
... x,
... sigma=1,
... alpha=0,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_1_alpha_1 = SkewGaussianDistribution(
... x,
... sigma=1,
... alpha=1,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_1_alpha_minus_1 = SkewGaussianDistribution(
... x,
... sigma=1,
... alpha=-1,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1_alpha_0, label="sigma=1, alpha=0")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1_alpha_1, label="sigma=1, alpha=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1_alpha_minus_1, label="sigma=1, alpha=-1")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("SkewGaussianDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Skew Gaussian distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \mu, \sigma, \alpha) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp\left(-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \left[1 + \mathrm{erf}\left(\frac{\alpha(x - \mu)}{\sigma\sqrt{2}}\right)\right] \]

where \(\mu\) is the mean, \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation, and \(\alpha\) is the skewness.

The CDF is not available in closed form.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

sigma float

Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.

mu float

Mean. Defaults to 0.

alpha float

Skewness. Defaults to 0.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class SkewGaussianDistribution(ContinuousWSigma):
    r"""Skew Gaussian distribution.

    The Skew Gaussian distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is
    widely used in statistics to describe the normal distributions with skewness.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... SkewGaussianDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_sigma_1_alpha_0 = SkewGaussianDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... alpha=0,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_1_alpha_1 = SkewGaussianDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... alpha=1,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_1_alpha_minus_1 = SkewGaussianDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... sigma=1,
        ... alpha=-1,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1_alpha_0, label="sigma=1, alpha=0")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1_alpha_1, label="sigma=1, alpha=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1_alpha_minus_1, label="sigma=1, alpha=-1")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("SkewGaussianDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Skew Gaussian distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \mu, \sigma, \alpha) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}
        \exp\left(-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)
        \left[1 + \mathrm{erf}\left(\frac{\alpha(x - \mu)}{\sigma\sqrt{2}}\right)\right]

        where $\mu$ is the mean, $\sigma$ is the standard deviation, and $\alpha$ is the

        The CDF is not available in closed form.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        sigma (float): Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.
        mu (float): Mean. Defaults to 0.
        alpha (float): Skewness. Defaults to 0.

    def __init__(
        *x: UniversalArray,
        mu: float = 0,
        sigma: float = 1,
        alpha: float = 0,
        cumulative: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the function."""
        super().__init__(*x, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, cumulative=cumulative)
        self.alpha = alpha

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return (
            / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
            * np.exp(-((self._x - ** 2) / (2 * self.sigma**2))
            * (1 + erf(self.alpha * (self._x - / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2))))

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function

Laplace Distribution

Laplace distribution.

The Laplace distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely used in statistics to describe the normal distributions.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... LaplaceDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_beta_1 = LaplaceDistribution(x, beta=1).__eval__
>>> y_beta_2 = LaplaceDistribution(x, beta=2).__eval__
>>> y_beta_3 = LaplaceDistribution(x, beta=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("LaplaceDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... LaplaceDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_beta_1 = LaplaceDistribution(
... x,
... beta=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_beta_2 = LaplaceDistribution(
... x,
... beta=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_beta_3 = LaplaceDistribution(
... x,
... beta=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("LaplaceDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Laplace distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{2\beta} \exp\left(-\frac{|x - \mu|}{\beta}\right) \]

and for the CDF as:

\[ F(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{sign}(x - \mu) \left(1 - \exp\left(-\frac{|x - \mu|}{\beta}\right)\right) \]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\beta\) is the scale parameter.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

beta float

Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.

mu float

Mean. Defaults to 0.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class LaplaceDistribution(ContinuousWBeta):
    r"""Laplace distribution.

    The Laplace distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely
    used in statistics to describe the normal distributions.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... LaplaceDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_beta_1 = LaplaceDistribution(x, beta=1).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_2 = LaplaceDistribution(x, beta=2).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_3 = LaplaceDistribution(x, beta=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("LaplaceDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... LaplaceDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_beta_1 = LaplaceDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_2 = LaplaceDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_3 = LaplaceDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("LaplaceDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Laplace distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{2\beta} \exp\left(-\frac{|x - \mu|}{\beta}\right)

        and for the CDF as:

        F(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{sign}(x - \mu)
        \left(1 - \exp\left(-\frac{|x - \mu|}{\beta}\right)\right)

        where $\mu$ is the mean and $\beta$ is the scale parameter.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        beta (float): Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.
        mu (float): Mean. Defaults to 0.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return 1 / (2 * self.beta) * np.exp(-np.abs((self._x - / self.beta))

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return np.array(
            + 0.5
            * np.sign(self._x -
            * (1 - np.exp(-np.abs((self._x - / self.beta))),

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
            variance=2 * self.beta**2,
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
LaplaceDistribution LaplaceDistribution-CML

Logistic Distribution

Logistic distribution.

The logistic distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely used in statistics to describe the normal distributions.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... LogisticDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_beta_1 = LogisticDistribution(x, beta=1).__eval__
>>> y_beta_2 = LogisticDistribution(x, beta=2).__eval__
>>> y_beta_3 = LogisticDistribution(x, beta=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("LogisticDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... LogisticDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_beta_1 = LogisticDistribution(
... x,
... beta=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_beta_2 = LogisticDistribution(
... x,
... beta=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_beta_3 = LogisticDistribution(
... x,
... beta=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("LogisticDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Logistic distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{\beta} \exp\left(-\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right)\left(1 + \exp\left(-\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right)\right)^{-2} \]

and for the CDF as:

\[ F(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp\left(-\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right)} \]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\beta\) is the scale parameter.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

beta float

Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.

mu float

Mean. Defaults to 0.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class LogisticDistribution(ContinuousWBeta):
    r"""Logistic distribution.

    The logistic distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely
    used in statistics to describe the normal distributions.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... LogisticDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_beta_1 = LogisticDistribution(x, beta=1).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_2 = LogisticDistribution(x, beta=2).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_3 = LogisticDistribution(x, beta=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("LogisticDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... LogisticDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_beta_1 = LogisticDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_2 = LogisticDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_beta_3 = LogisticDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... beta=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_1, label="beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_2, label="beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_beta_3, label="beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("LogisticDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Logistic distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{\beta} \exp\left(-\frac{x -
        \mu}{\beta}\right)\left(1 + \exp\left(-\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right)\right)^{-2}

        and for the CDF as:

        F(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp\left(-\frac{x - \mu}{\beta}\right)}

        where $\mu$ is the mean and $\beta$ is the scale parameter.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        beta (float): Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.
        mu (float): Mean. Defaults to 0.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return np.array(
            / self.beta
            * np.exp(-(self._x - / self.beta)
            / (1 + np.exp(-(self._x - / self.beta)) ** 2,

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(self._x - / self.beta))

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
            variance=(np.pi**2 * self.beta**2) / 3,
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
LogisticDistribution LogisticDistribution-CML

Voigt Distribution

Voigt distribution.

The Voigt distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely used in physics and spectroscopy to describe the line shape of spectral lines. It is a convolution of a Gaussian distribution and a Lorentzian distribution, and is useful for modeling the effects of both natural and instrumental broadening on spectral lines.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... VoigtDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_sigma_1 = VoigtDistribution(x, sigma=1).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_2 = VoigtDistribution(x, sigma=2).__eval__
>>> y_sigma_3 = VoigtDistribution(x, sigma=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1, label="sigma=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_2, label="sigma=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_3, label="sigma=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("VoigtDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Voigt distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp\left(-\frac{(x - y)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \frac{\gamma}{\pi\left((x - y)^2 + \gamma^2\right)} dy \]

which can be further simplified to:

\[ V(x;\sigma ,\gamma )={\frac {\operatorname {Re} [w(z)]}{\sigma {\sqrt {2\pi }}}} \]

with \(\operatorname {Re} [w(z)\) as the real part of the Faddeeva function and \(z\) as:

\[ z={\frac {x+i\gamma }{\sigma {\sqrt {2}}}} \]

and for the CDF as:

\[ F(x | \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^x \exp\left(-\frac{(x - y)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \frac{\gamma}{\pi\left((x - y)^2 + \gamma^2\right)} dy \]

where \(\mu\) is the mean, \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation and \(\gamma\) is the Lorentzian width.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

sigma float

Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.

gamma float

Lorentzian width. Defaults to 1.

mu float

Mean. Defaults to 0.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class VoigtDistribution(ContinuousWSigma):
    r"""Voigt distribution.

    The Voigt distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is widely used
    in physics and spectroscopy to describe the line shape of spectral lines. It is a
    convolution of a Gaussian distribution and a Lorentzian distribution, and is useful
    for modeling the effects of both natural and instrumental broadening on spectral

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... VoigtDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_sigma_1 = VoigtDistribution(x, sigma=1).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_2 = VoigtDistribution(x, sigma=2).__eval__
        >>> y_sigma_3 = VoigtDistribution(x, sigma=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_1, label="sigma=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_2, label="sigma=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_sigma_3, label="sigma=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("VoigtDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Voigt distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}
          \int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp\left(-\frac{(x - y)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)
          \frac{\gamma}{\pi\left((x - y)^2 + \gamma^2\right)} dy

        which can be further simplified to:

        V(x;\sigma ,\gamma )={\frac {\operatorname {Re} [w(z)]}{\sigma {\sqrt {2\pi }}}}

        with $\operatorname {Re} [w(z)$ as the real part of the Faddeeva function and
        $z$ as:

        z={\frac {x+i\gamma }{\sigma {\sqrt {2}}}}

        and for the CDF as:

        F(x | \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}
          \int_{-\infty}^x \exp\left(-\frac{(x - y)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)
          \frac{\gamma}{\pi\left((x - y)^2 + \gamma^2\right)} dy

        where $\mu$ is the mean, $\sigma$ is the standard deviation and $\gamma$ is the
        Lorentzian width.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        sigma (float): Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.
        gamma (float): Lorentzian width. Defaults to 1.
        mu (float): Mean. Defaults to 0.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def __init__(
        *x: UniversalArray,
        sigma: float = 1,
        gamma: float = 1,
        mu: float = 0,
        cumulative: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the function."""
        if sigma < 0:
            msg = "sigma"
            raise NotAPositiveNumberError(msg, sigma)
        if gamma < 0:
            msg = "gamma"
            raise NotAPositiveNumberError(msg, gamma)

        super().__init__(*x, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, cumulative=cumulative)
        self.gamma = gamma

    def probability_density_function(self) -> UniversalArray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        z = (self._x + 1j * self.gamma) / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2))
        return np.real(wofz(z)) / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
VoigtDistribution VoigtDistribution-CML

Cauchy Distribution

Cauchy distribution.

The Cauchy distribution is a continuous probability distribution that has no mean or variance. It is also known as the Lorentz distribution, after Hendrik Lorentz.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... CauchyDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_gamma_1 = CauchyDistribution(x, gamma=1).__eval__
>>> y_gamma_2 = CauchyDistribution(x, gamma=2).__eval__
>>> y_gamma_3 = CauchyDistribution(x, gamma=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_1, label="gamma=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_2, label="gamma=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_3, label="gamma=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("CauchyDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... CauchyDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
>>> y_gamma_1 = CauchyDistribution(
... x,
... gamma=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_gamma_2 = CauchyDistribution(
... x,
... gamma=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_gamma_3 = CauchyDistribution(
... x,
... gamma=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_1, label="gamma=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_2, label="gamma=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_3, label="gamma=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("CauchyDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Cauchy distribution is defined as:

\[ f(x | x_0, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\pi \gamma \left[1 + \left(\frac{x - x_0}{\gamma}\right)^2\right]} \]

where \(x_0\) is the location parameter and \(\gamma\) is the scale parameter.

The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Cauchy distribution is:

\[ F(x | x_0, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\pi} \arctan\left(\frac{x - x_0}{\gamma}\right) + \frac{1}{2} \]


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

mu float

Location parameter. Defaults to 0.

gamma float

Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class CauchyDistribution(ContinuousDistributionBase):
    r"""Cauchy distribution.

    The Cauchy distribution is a continuous probability distribution that has no mean
    or variance. It is also known as the Lorentz distribution, after Hendrik Lorentz.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... CauchyDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_gamma_1 = CauchyDistribution(x, gamma=1).__eval__
        >>> y_gamma_2 = CauchyDistribution(x, gamma=2).__eval__
        >>> y_gamma_3 = CauchyDistribution(x, gamma=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_1, label="gamma=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_2, label="gamma=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_3, label="gamma=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("CauchyDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... CauchyDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_gamma_1 = CauchyDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... gamma=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_gamma_2 = CauchyDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... gamma=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_gamma_3 = CauchyDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... gamma=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_1, label="gamma=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_2, label="gamma=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_gamma_3, label="gamma=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("CauchyDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Cauchy distribution is defined as:

        f(x | x_0, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\pi \gamma \left[1 +
        \left(\frac{x - x_0}{\gamma}\right)^2\right]}

        where $x_0$ is the location parameter and $\gamma$ is the scale parameter.

        The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Cauchy distribution is:

        F(x | x_0, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\pi}
        \arctan\left(\frac{x - x_0}{\gamma}\right) + \frac{1}{2}

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        mu (float): Location parameter. Defaults to 0.
        gamma (float): Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def __init__(
        *x: UniversalArray,
        mu: float = 0,
        gamma: float = 1,
        cumulative: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the function."""
        if gamma <= 0:
            msg = "gamma must be positive"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        self.gamma = gamma
        super().__init__(*x, mu=mu, cumulative=cumulative)

    def probability_density_function(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return 1 / (np.pi * self.gamma * (1 + ((self._x - / self.gamma) ** 2))

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return 1 / np.pi * np.arctan((self._x - / self.gamma) + 1 / 2

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
CauchyDistribution CauchyDistribution-CML

Gumbel Distribution

Gumbel distribution.

The Gumbel distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is used to model the distribution of the maximum (or the minimum) of a number of samples of various distributions. It is a two-parameter family of curves, with the location parameter \(\mu\) controlling the location of the distribution and the scale parameter \(\beta\) controlling the spread of the distribution.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... GumbelDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-10, 20, 1000)
>>> y_mu_0_beta_1 = GumbelDistribution(x, mu=0, beta=1).__eval__
>>> y_mu_5_beta_2 = GumbelDistribution(x, mu=5, beta=2).__eval__
>>> y_mu_10_beta_3 = GumbelDistribution(x, mu=10, beta=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_0_beta_1, label="mu=0, beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_5_beta_2, label="mu=5, beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_10_beta_3, label="mu=10, beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("GumbelDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... GumbelDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(-10, 20, 1000)
>>> y_mu_0_beta_1 = GumbelDistribution(
... x,
... mu=0,
... beta=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_mu_5_beta_2 = GumbelDistribution(
... x,
... mu=5,
... beta=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_mu_10_beta_3 = GumbelDistribution(
... x,
... mu=10,
... beta=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_0_beta_1, label="mu=0, beta=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_5_beta_2, label="mu=5, beta=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_10_beta_3, label="mu=10, beta=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("GumbelDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The Gumbel distribution is defined as:

\[ f(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{\beta} e^{-\frac{x - \mu + e^{-(x - \mu)/\beta}}{\beta}} \]

where \(\mu\) is the location parameter and \(\beta\) is the scale parameter.

The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Gumbel distribution is:

\[ F(x | \mu, \beta) = e^{-e^{-(x - \mu)/\beta}} \]


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

mu float

Location parameter. Defaults to 0.

beta float

Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class GumbelDistribution(ContinuousWBeta):
    r"""Gumbel distribution.

    The Gumbel distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is used to
    model the distribution of the maximum (or the minimum) of a number of samples of
    various distributions. It is a two-parameter family of curves, with the location
    parameter $\mu$ controlling the location of the distribution and the scale
    parameter $\beta$ controlling the spread of the distribution.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... GumbelDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-10, 20, 1000)
        >>> y_mu_0_beta_1 = GumbelDistribution(x, mu=0, beta=1).__eval__
        >>> y_mu_5_beta_2 = GumbelDistribution(x, mu=5, beta=2).__eval__
        >>> y_mu_10_beta_3 = GumbelDistribution(x, mu=10, beta=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_0_beta_1, label="mu=0, beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_5_beta_2, label="mu=5, beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_10_beta_3, label="mu=10, beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("GumbelDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... GumbelDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(-10, 20, 1000)
        >>> y_mu_0_beta_1 = GumbelDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=0,
        ... beta=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_mu_5_beta_2 = GumbelDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=5,
        ... beta=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_mu_10_beta_3 = GumbelDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... mu=10,
        ... beta=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_0_beta_1, label="mu=0, beta=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_5_beta_2, label="mu=5, beta=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_mu_10_beta_3, label="mu=10, beta=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("GumbelDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The Gumbel distribution is defined as:

        f(x | \mu, \beta) = \frac{1}{\beta}
        e^{-\frac{x - \mu + e^{-(x - \mu)/\beta}}{\beta}}

        where $\mu$ is the location parameter and $\beta$ is the scale parameter.

        The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Gumbel distribution is:

        F(x | \mu, \beta) = e^{-e^{-(x - \mu)/\beta}}

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one dimensional.
        mu (float): Location parameter. Defaults to 0.
        beta (float): Scale parameter. Defaults to 1.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return (
            / self.beta
            * np.exp(
                -(self._x - + np.exp(-(self._x - / self.beta))
                / self.beta,

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return np.exp(-np.exp(-(self._x - / self.beta))

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
   + self.beta * np.euler_gamma,
            variance=(np.pi**2 / 6) * self.beta**2,
   + self.beta * np.log(np.log(3)),
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
GumbelDistribution GumbelDistribution-CML

Exponential Distribution

Exponential distribution.

The exponential distribution is a continuous probability distribution that describes the time between events in a Poisson process, where events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. It is a one-parameter family of curves, with the rate parameter \(\lambda\) controlling the shape of the distribution. The exponential distribution is widely used in reliability theory, queueing theory, and other fields.


Python Console Session
>>> # PDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... ExponentialDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(0, 5, 1000)
>>> y_lambda_1 = ExponentialDistribution(x, lambda_=1).__eval__
>>> y_lambda_2 = ExponentialDistribution(x, lambda_=2).__eval__
>>> y_lambda_3 = ExponentialDistribution(x, lambda_=3).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_1, label="lambda=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_2, label="lambda=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_3, label="lambda=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("ExponentialDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Python Console Session
>>> # CDF Example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
... ExponentialDistribution
... )
>>> x = np.linspace(0, 5, 1000)
>>> y_lambda_1 = ExponentialDistribution(
... x,
... lambda_=1,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_lambda_2 = ExponentialDistribution(
... x,
... lambda_=2,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> y_lambda_3 = ExponentialDistribution(
... x,
... lambda_=3,
... cumulative=True,
... ).__eval__
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_1, label="lambda=1")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_2, label="lambda=2")
>>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_3, label="lambda=3")
>>> _ = ax.legend()
>>> plt.savefig("ExponentialDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

The exponential distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

\[ f(x | \lambda) = \lambda e^{-\lambda x} \]

and for the CDF as:

\[ F(x | \lambda) = 1 - e^{-\lambda x} \]

where \(\lambda\) is the rate parameter.


Name Type Description Default
*x UniversalArray

Input data, which can be only one dimensional.

lambda_ float

Rate parameter. Defaults to 1.

cumulative bool

If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

Source code in umf/functions/distributions/
class ExponentialDistribution(ContinuousWLambda):
    r"""Exponential distribution.

    The exponential distribution is a continuous probability distribution that
    describes the time between events in a Poisson process, where events occur
    continuously and independently at a constant average rate. It is a one-parameter
    family of curves, with the rate parameter $\lambda$ controlling the shape of the
    distribution. The exponential distribution is widely used in reliability theory,
    queueing theory, and other fields.

        >>> # PDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... ExponentialDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(0, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_lambda_1 = ExponentialDistribution(x, lambda_=1).__eval__
        >>> y_lambda_2 = ExponentialDistribution(x, lambda_=2).__eval__
        >>> y_lambda_3 = ExponentialDistribution(x, lambda_=3).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_1, label="lambda=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_2, label="lambda=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_3, label="lambda=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("ExponentialDistribution.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        >>> # CDF Example
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from umf.functions.distributions.continuous_whole_line_support import (
        ... ExponentialDistribution
        ... )
        >>> x = np.linspace(0, 5, 1000)
        >>> y_lambda_1 = ExponentialDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... lambda_=1,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_lambda_2 = ExponentialDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... lambda_=2,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> y_lambda_3 = ExponentialDistribution(
        ... x,
        ... lambda_=3,
        ... cumulative=True,
        ... ).__eval__
        >>> fig = plt.figure()
        >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_1, label="lambda=1")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_2, label="lambda=2")
        >>> _ = ax.plot(x, y_lambda_3, label="lambda=3")
        >>> _ = ax.legend()
        >>> plt.savefig("ExponentialDistribution-cml.png", dpi=300, transparent=True)

        The exponential distribution is generally defined for the PDF as:

        f(x | \lambda) = \lambda e^{-\lambda x}

        and for the CDF as:

        F(x | \lambda) = 1 - e^{-\lambda x}

        where $\lambda$ is the rate parameter.

        *x (UniversalArray): Input data, which can be only one  dimensional.
        lambda_ (float): Rate parameter. Defaults to 1.
        cumulative (bool): If True, the CDF is returned. Defaults to False.

    def probability_density_function(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the probability density function."""
        return self.lambda_ * np.exp(-self.lambda_ * self._x)

    def cumulative_distribution_function(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the cumulative distribution function."""
        return 1 - np.exp(-self.lambda_ * self._x)

    def __summary__(self) -> SummaryStatisticsAPI:
        """Return the summary statistics."""
        return SummaryStatisticsAPI(
            mean=1 / self.lambda_,
            variance=1 / self.lambda_**2,
Probability Density Function Cumulative Distribution Function
ExponentialDistribution ExponentialDistribution-CML