Fit-Results as Report.
Generate a report of confidence intervals.
About the Confidence Interval Report
This class is responsible for generating a report that displays confidence intervals for a given set of parameters. The report can be generated as a table.
Please also check the original implementation of the lmfit
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ci | Parameters | The confidence intervals for the parameters. | required |
with_offset | bool | Whether to include the offset in the report. Defaults to True. | True |
ndigits | int | The number of digits to display in the report. Defaults to 5. | 5 |
Source code in spectrafit/
class CIReport:
"""Generate a report of confidence intervals.
!!! info "About the Confidence Interval Report"
This class is responsible for generating a report that displays confidence
intervals for a given set of parameters. The report can be generated as a
Please also check the original implementation of the `lmfit` package:
ci (Parameters): The confidence intervals for the parameters.
with_offset (bool, optional): Whether to include the offset in the report.
Defaults to True.
ndigits (int, optional): The number of digits to display in the report.
Defaults to 5.
def __init__(
ci: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]],
with_offset: bool = True,
ndigits: int = 5,
best_tol: float = 1.0e-2,
"""Initialize the Report object.
ci (Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]]): The confidence intervals for
the parameters.
with_offset (bool): Whether to include an offset in the report.
Defaults to True.
ndigits (int): The number of digits to round the report values to.
Defaults to 5.
best_tol (float): The tolerance for the best value.
Defaults to 1.0e-2.
""" = ci
self.with_offset = with_offset
self.ndigits = ndigits
self.best_tol = best_tol
self.df = pd.DataFrame()
def convp(self, x: Tuple[float, float], bound_type: str) -> str:
"""Convert the confidence interval to a string.
x (Tuple[float, float]): The confidence interval.
bound_type (str): The type of the bound.
str: The confidence interval as a string.
return (
"BEST" if abs(x[0]) < self.best_tol else f"{x[0] * 100:.2f}% - {bound_type}"
def calculate_offset(self, row: List[Tuple[float, float]]) -> float:
"""Calculate the offset for a row.
row (List[Tuple[float, float]]): The row to calculate the offset for.
float: The offset for the row.
offset = 0.0
if self.with_offset:
for cval, val in row:
if abs(cval) < (self.best_tol or 0.0):
offset = val
return offset
def create_report_row(
self, name: str, row: List[Tuple[float, float]], offset: float
) -> None:
"""Create a row for the report.
name (str): The name of the row.
row (List[Tuple[float, float]]): The row to create the report for.
offset (float): The offset for the row.
for i, (cval, val) in enumerate(row):
sval = val if cval < self.best_tol else val - offset
bound_type = "LOWER" if i < len(row) / 2 else "UPPER", val), bound_type), {})[name] = sval
def __call__(self) -> None:
"""Generate the Confidence report as a table.""" Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = {}
for name, row in
offset = self.calculate_offset(row)
self.create_report_row(name, row, offset)
def tabulate(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
"""Print the Confidence report as a table."""
PrintingResults.print_tabulate_df(df=df, floatfmt=f".{self.ndigits}f")
Generate the Confidence report as a table.
Source code in spectrafit/
__init__(ci, with_offset=True, ndigits=5, best_tol=0.01)
Initialize the Report object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ci | Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]] | The confidence intervals for the parameters. | required |
with_offset | bool | Whether to include an offset in the report. Defaults to True. | True |
ndigits | int | The number of digits to round the report values to. Defaults to 5. | 5 |
best_tol | float | The tolerance for the best value. Defaults to 1.0e-2. | 0.01 |
Source code in spectrafit/
def __init__(
ci: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]],
with_offset: bool = True,
ndigits: int = 5,
best_tol: float = 1.0e-2,
"""Initialize the Report object.
ci (Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]]): The confidence intervals for
the parameters.
with_offset (bool): Whether to include an offset in the report.
Defaults to True.
ndigits (int): The number of digits to round the report values to.
Defaults to 5.
best_tol (float): The tolerance for the best value.
Defaults to 1.0e-2.
""" = ci
self.with_offset = with_offset
self.ndigits = ndigits
self.best_tol = best_tol
self.df = pd.DataFrame()
Calculate the offset for a row.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
row | List[Tuple[float, float]] | The row to calculate the offset for. | required |
Name | Type | Description |
float | float | The offset for the row. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def calculate_offset(self, row: List[Tuple[float, float]]) -> float:
"""Calculate the offset for a row.
row (List[Tuple[float, float]]): The row to calculate the offset for.
float: The offset for the row.
offset = 0.0
if self.with_offset:
for cval, val in row:
if abs(cval) < (self.best_tol or 0.0):
offset = val
return offset
convp(x, bound_type)
Convert the confidence interval to a string.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x | Tuple[float, float] | The confidence interval. | required |
bound_type | str | The type of the bound. | required |
Name | Type | Description |
str | str | The confidence interval as a string. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def convp(self, x: Tuple[float, float], bound_type: str) -> str:
"""Convert the confidence interval to a string.
x (Tuple[float, float]): The confidence interval.
bound_type (str): The type of the bound.
str: The confidence interval as a string.
return (
"BEST" if abs(x[0]) < self.best_tol else f"{x[0] * 100:.2f}% - {bound_type}"
create_report_row(name, row, offset)
Create a row for the report.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | The name of the row. | required |
row | List[Tuple[float, float]] | The row to create the report for. | required |
offset | float | The offset for the row. | required |
Source code in spectrafit/
def create_report_row(
self, name: str, row: List[Tuple[float, float]], offset: float
) -> None:
"""Create a row for the report.
name (str): The name of the row.
row (List[Tuple[float, float]]): The row to create the report for.
offset (float): The offset for the row.
for i, (cval, val) in enumerate(row):
sval = val if cval < self.best_tol else val - offset
bound_type = "LOWER" if i < len(row) / 2 else "UPPER", val), bound_type), {})[name] = sval
Generate fit reports based on the result of the fitting process.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
inpars | Parameters | The input parameters used for fitting. | required |
sort_pars | bool | Whether to sort the parameters. Defaults to True. | True |
show_correl | bool | Whether to show correlations of components. Defaults to True. | True |
min_correl | float | The minimum correlation value to consider. Defaults to 0.0. | 0.0 |
modelpars | dict | The model parameters. Defaults to None. | None |
Name | Type | Description |
inpars | Parameters | The input parameters used for fitting. |
sort_pars | bool | Whether to sort the parameters. |
show_correl | bool | Whether to show correlations of components. |
min_correl | float | The minimum correlation value to consider. |
modelpars | dict | The model parameters. |
result | FitResult | The result of the fitting process. |
params | Parameters | The parameters used for fitting. |
parnames | list | The names of the parameters. |
Name | Description |
generate_fit_statistics | Generate fit statistics based on the result of the fitting process. |
generate_variables | Generate a DataFrame containing information about the variables. |
generate_correlations | Generate a correlation matrix for the varying parameters. |
generate_report | Generate a report containing fit statistics, correlations, and variables. |
__call__ | Generate and print a report based on the data. |
Source code in spectrafit/
class FitReport:
"""Generate fit reports based on the result of the fitting process.
inpars (Parameters): The input parameters used for fitting.
sort_pars (bool, optional): Whether to sort the parameters.
Defaults to True.
show_correl (bool, optional): Whether to show correlations of components.
Defaults to True.
min_correl (float, optional): The minimum correlation value to consider.
Defaults to 0.0.
modelpars (dict, optional): The model parameters. Defaults to None.
inpars (Parameters): The input parameters used for fitting.
sort_pars (bool): Whether to sort the parameters.
show_correl (bool): Whether to show correlations of components.
min_correl (float): The minimum correlation value to consider.
modelpars (dict): The model parameters.
result (FitResult): The result of the fitting process.
params (Parameters): The parameters used for fitting.
parnames (list): The names of the parameters.
generate_fit_statistics(): Generate fit statistics based on the result
of the fitting process.
generate_variables(): Generate a DataFrame containing information
about the variables.
generate_correlations(): Generate a correlation matrix for the
varying parameters.
generate_report(): Generate a report containing fit statistics,
correlations, and variables.
__call__(): Generate and print a report based on the data.
def __init__(
inpars: Union[Parameters, Callable[..., Any]],
sort_pars: bool = True,
show_correl: bool = True,
min_correl: float = 0.0,
modelpars: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the Report object.
inpars (Parameters or object): The input parameters or
sort_pars (bool, optional): Whether to sort the parameters.
Defaults to True.
show_correl (bool, optional): Whether to show correlations.
Defaults to True.
min_correl (float, optional): The minimum correlation value.
Defaults to 0.0.
modelpars (object, optional): The model parameters.
Defaults to None.
self.inpars = inpars
self.sort_pars = sort_pars
self.show_correl = show_correl
self.min_correl = min_correl
self.modelpars = modelpars
if isinstance(self.inpars, Parameters):
self.result, self.params = None, self.inpars
if hasattr(self.inpars, "params"):
self.result = self.inpars
self.params = self.inpars.params
if self.sort_pars:
key = self.sort_pars if callable(self.sort_pars) else alphanumeric_sort
self.parnames = sorted(self.params, key=key)
self.parnames = list(self.params.keys())
def generate_fit_statistics(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
"""Generate fit statistics based on the result of the fitting process.
Optional[pd.DataFrame]: A pandas DataFrame containing the
fit statistics, including:
- fitting method
- function evals
- data points
- variables
- chi-square
- reduced chi-square
- Akaike info crit
- Bayesian info crit
- R-squared (if available)
if self.result is not None:
return pd.DataFrame(
"fitting method": [self.result.method], # type: ignore
"function evals": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "nfev")],
"data points": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "ndata")],
"variables": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "nvarys")],
"chi-square": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "chisqr")],
"reduced chi-square": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "redchi")],
"Akaike info crit": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "aic")],
"Bayesian info crit": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "bic")],
"R-squared": [
getfloat_attr(self.result, "rsquared")
if hasattr(self.result, "rsquared")
else None
return None
def generate_variables(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Generate a pandas DataFrame containing information about the variables.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the following columns:
- name: The name of the variable
- value: The current value of the variable
- stderr absolute: The absolute standard error of the variable
- stderr percent: The percentage standard error of the variable
- expr: The expression defining the variable (if any)
- init: The initial value of the variable
- model_value: The value of the variable in the model (if applicable)
- fixed: A boolean indicating whether the variable is fixed or not
variables = []
namelen = max(len(n) for n in self.parnames)
for name in self.parnames:
par = self.params[name]
space = " " * (namelen - len(name))
nout = f"{name}:{space}"
inval = None
if par.init_value is not None:
inval = par.init_value
model_val = None
if self.modelpars is not None and name in self.modelpars: # type: ignore
model_val = self.modelpars[name].value # type: ignore
sval = gformat(par.value)
except (TypeError, ValueError): # pragma: no cover
sval = None
serr = None
spercent = None
if par.stderr is not None:
serr = gformat(par.stderr)
spercent = abs(par.stderr / par.value) * 100
except ZeroDivisionError: # pragma: no cover
spercent = None
variable = {
"name": nout,
"value": sval,
"stderr absolute": serr,
"stderr percent": spercent,
"expr": par.expr,
"init": inval,
"model_value": model_val,
"fixed": par.vary,
return pd.DataFrame(variables)
def generate_correlations(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Generate a correlation matrix for the varying parameters.
pd.DataFrame: The correlation matrix with the
varying parameters as rows and columns.
correl_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=self.parnames, columns=self.parnames)
for i, name in enumerate(self.parnames):
par = self.params[name]
if not par.vary:
if hasattr(par, "correl") and par.correl is not None:
for name2 in self.parnames[i + 1 :]:
if (
name != name2
and name2 in par.correl
and abs(par.correl[name2]) > self.min_correl
correl_matrix.loc[name, name2] = par.correl[name2]
correl_matrix.loc[name2, name] = par.correl[
] # mirror the value
correl_matrix.fillna(1, inplace=True) # fill diagonal with 1s
return correl_matrix
def generate_report(self) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Generate a report.
!!! info "About the Report"
This report contains fit statistics, correlations of
components (if enabled), and variables and values.
report (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]): A dictionary containing
the generated report.
report = {
"Fit Statistics": self.generate_fit_statistics(),
"Variables and Values": self.generate_variables(),
if self.show_correl:
report["Correlations of Components"] = self.generate_correlations()
return report
def __call__(self) -> None:
"""Generate and print a report based on the data.
This method generates a report using the `generate_report` method and
prints it to the console.
The report is organized into sections, where each section is
represented by a DataFrame.
The report is printed using the `tabulate` function from the
`tabulate` library.
The table format is chosen based on the platform, using "fancy_grid"
for non-Windows platforms and "grid" for Windows.
The floating point numbers in the table are formatted with three
decimal places.
report = self.generate_report()
for section, df in report.items():
Generate and print a report based on the data.
This method generates a report using the generate_report
method and prints it to the console. The report is organized into sections, where each section is represented by a DataFrame. The report is printed using the tabulate
function from the tabulate
library. The table format is chosen based on the platform, using "fancy_grid" for non-Windows platforms and "grid" for Windows. The floating point numbers in the table are formatted with three decimal places.
Source code in spectrafit/
def __call__(self) -> None:
"""Generate and print a report based on the data.
This method generates a report using the `generate_report` method and
prints it to the console.
The report is organized into sections, where each section is
represented by a DataFrame.
The report is printed using the `tabulate` function from the
`tabulate` library.
The table format is chosen based on the platform, using "fancy_grid"
for non-Windows platforms and "grid" for Windows.
The floating point numbers in the table are formatted with three
decimal places.
report = self.generate_report()
for section, df in report.items():
__init__(inpars, sort_pars=True, show_correl=True, min_correl=0.0, modelpars=None)
Initialize the Report object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
inpars | Parameters or object | The input parameters or object. | required |
sort_pars | bool | Whether to sort the parameters. Defaults to True. | True |
show_correl | bool | Whether to show correlations. Defaults to True. | True |
min_correl | float | The minimum correlation value. Defaults to 0.0. | 0.0 |
modelpars | object | The model parameters. Defaults to None. | None |
Source code in spectrafit/
def __init__(
inpars: Union[Parameters, Callable[..., Any]],
sort_pars: bool = True,
show_correl: bool = True,
min_correl: float = 0.0,
modelpars: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the Report object.
inpars (Parameters or object): The input parameters or
sort_pars (bool, optional): Whether to sort the parameters.
Defaults to True.
show_correl (bool, optional): Whether to show correlations.
Defaults to True.
min_correl (float, optional): The minimum correlation value.
Defaults to 0.0.
modelpars (object, optional): The model parameters.
Defaults to None.
self.inpars = inpars
self.sort_pars = sort_pars
self.show_correl = show_correl
self.min_correl = min_correl
self.modelpars = modelpars
if isinstance(self.inpars, Parameters):
self.result, self.params = None, self.inpars
if hasattr(self.inpars, "params"):
self.result = self.inpars
self.params = self.inpars.params
if self.sort_pars:
key = self.sort_pars if callable(self.sort_pars) else alphanumeric_sort
self.parnames = sorted(self.params, key=key)
self.parnames = list(self.params.keys())
Generate a correlation matrix for the varying parameters.
Type | Description |
DataFrame | pd.DataFrame: The correlation matrix with the varying parameters as rows and columns. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def generate_correlations(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Generate a correlation matrix for the varying parameters.
pd.DataFrame: The correlation matrix with the
varying parameters as rows and columns.
correl_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=self.parnames, columns=self.parnames)
for i, name in enumerate(self.parnames):
par = self.params[name]
if not par.vary:
if hasattr(par, "correl") and par.correl is not None:
for name2 in self.parnames[i + 1 :]:
if (
name != name2
and name2 in par.correl
and abs(par.correl[name2]) > self.min_correl
correl_matrix.loc[name, name2] = par.correl[name2]
correl_matrix.loc[name2, name] = par.correl[
] # mirror the value
correl_matrix.fillna(1, inplace=True) # fill diagonal with 1s
return correl_matrix
Generate fit statistics based on the result of the fitting process.
Type | Description |
Optional[DataFrame] | Optional[pd.DataFrame]: A pandas DataFrame containing the |
Optional[DataFrame] | fit statistics, including: - fitting method - function evals - data points - variables - chi-square - reduced chi-square - Akaike info crit - Bayesian info crit - R-squared (if available) |
Source code in spectrafit/
def generate_fit_statistics(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
"""Generate fit statistics based on the result of the fitting process.
Optional[pd.DataFrame]: A pandas DataFrame containing the
fit statistics, including:
- fitting method
- function evals
- data points
- variables
- chi-square
- reduced chi-square
- Akaike info crit
- Bayesian info crit
- R-squared (if available)
if self.result is not None:
return pd.DataFrame(
"fitting method": [self.result.method], # type: ignore
"function evals": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "nfev")],
"data points": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "ndata")],
"variables": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "nvarys")],
"chi-square": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "chisqr")],
"reduced chi-square": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "redchi")],
"Akaike info crit": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "aic")],
"Bayesian info crit": [getfloat_attr(self.result, "bic")],
"R-squared": [
getfloat_attr(self.result, "rsquared")
if hasattr(self.result, "rsquared")
else None
return None
Generate a report.
About the Report
This report contains fit statistics, correlations of components (if enabled), and variables and values.
Name | Type | Description |
report | Dict[str, DataFrame] | A dictionary containing the generated report. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def generate_report(self) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Generate a report.
!!! info "About the Report"
This report contains fit statistics, correlations of
components (if enabled), and variables and values.
report (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]): A dictionary containing
the generated report.
report = {
"Fit Statistics": self.generate_fit_statistics(),
"Variables and Values": self.generate_variables(),
if self.show_correl:
report["Correlations of Components"] = self.generate_correlations()
return report
Generate a pandas DataFrame containing information about the variables.
Type | Description |
DataFrame | pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the following columns: - name: The name of the variable - value: The current value of the variable - stderr absolute: The absolute standard error of the variable - stderr percent: The percentage standard error of the variable - expr: The expression defining the variable (if any) - init: The initial value of the variable - model_value: The value of the variable in the model (if applicable) - fixed: A boolean indicating whether the variable is fixed or not |
Source code in spectrafit/
def generate_variables(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Generate a pandas DataFrame containing information about the variables.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the following columns:
- name: The name of the variable
- value: The current value of the variable
- stderr absolute: The absolute standard error of the variable
- stderr percent: The percentage standard error of the variable
- expr: The expression defining the variable (if any)
- init: The initial value of the variable
- model_value: The value of the variable in the model (if applicable)
- fixed: A boolean indicating whether the variable is fixed or not
variables = []
namelen = max(len(n) for n in self.parnames)
for name in self.parnames:
par = self.params[name]
space = " " * (namelen - len(name))
nout = f"{name}:{space}"
inval = None
if par.init_value is not None:
inval = par.init_value
model_val = None
if self.modelpars is not None and name in self.modelpars: # type: ignore
model_val = self.modelpars[name].value # type: ignore
sval = gformat(par.value)
except (TypeError, ValueError): # pragma: no cover
sval = None
serr = None
spercent = None
if par.stderr is not None:
serr = gformat(par.stderr)
spercent = abs(par.stderr / par.value) * 100
except ZeroDivisionError: # pragma: no cover
spercent = None
variable = {
"name": nout,
"value": sval,
"stderr absolute": serr,
"stderr percent": spercent,
"expr": par.expr,
"init": inval,
"model_value": model_val,
"fixed": par.vary,
return pd.DataFrame(variables)
Print the results of the fitting process.
Source code in spectrafit/
class PrintingResults:
"""Print the results of the fitting process."""
def __init__(
args: Dict[str, Any],
result: Any,
minimizer: Minimizer,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the PrintingResults class.
args (Dict[str,Any]): The input file arguments as a dictionary with
additional information beyond the command line arguments.
result (Any): The lmfit `results` as a kind of result based class.
minimizer (Minimizer): The lmfit `Minimizer`-class as a general
minimizer for curve fitting and optimization.
self.args = args
self.result = result
self.minimizer = minimizer
self.correlation = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(args["linear_correlation"])
def __call__(self) -> None:
"""Print the results of the fitting process."""
if self.args["verbose"] == 1:
elif self.args["verbose"] == 2:
def print_tabulate(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Print the results of the fitting process.
args (Dict[str, Any]): The args to be printed as a dictionary.
def print_tabulate_df(df: pd.DataFrame, floatfmt: str = ".3f") -> None:
"""Print the results of the fitting process.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be printed.
floatfmt (str, optional): The format of the floating point numbers.
Defaults to ".3f".
tablefmt="fancy_grid" if sys.platform != "win32" else "grid",
def printing_regular_mode(self) -> None:
"""Print the fitting results in the regular mode."""
def print_statistic(self) -> None:
"""Print the statistic."""
def print_fit_results(self) -> None:
"""Print the fit results."""
FitReport(self.result, modelpars=self.result.params, **self.args["report"])()
def print_confidence_interval(self) -> None:
"""Print the confidence interval."""
print("\nConfidence Interval:\n")
if self.args["conf_interval"]:
except (MinimizerException, ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as exc:
warn(f"Error: {exc} -> No confidence interval could be calculated!")
self.args["confidence_interval"] = {}
def print_linear_correlation(self) -> None:
"""Print the linear correlation."""
print("\nOverall Linear-Correlation:\n")
def print_regression_metrics(self) -> None:
"""Print the regression metrics."""
print("\nRegression Metrics:\n")
def printing_verbose_mode(self) -> None:
"""Print all results in verbose mode."""
def print_statistic_verbose(self) -> None:
"""Print the data statistic in verbose mode."""
def print_input_parameters_verbose(self) -> None:
"""Print input parameters in verbose mode."""
print("Input Parameter:\n")
def print_fit_results_verbose(self) -> None:
"""Print fit results in verbose mode."""
print("\nFit Results and Insights:\n")
def print_confidence_interval_verbose(self) -> None:
"""Print confidence interval in verbose mode."""
if self.args["conf_interval"]:
print("\nConfidence Interval:\n")
def print_linear_correlation_verbose(self) -> None:
"""Print overall linear-correlation in verbose mode."""
print("\nOverall Linear-Correlation:\n")
def print_regression_metrics_verbose(self) -> None:
"""Print regression metrics in verbose mode."""
print("\nRegression Metrics:\n")
__init__(args, result, minimizer)
Initialize the PrintingResults class.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
args | Dict[str, Any] | The input file arguments as a dictionary with additional information beyond the command line arguments. | required |
result | Any | The lmfit | required |
minimizer | Minimizer | The lmfit | required |
Source code in spectrafit/
def __init__(
args: Dict[str, Any],
result: Any,
minimizer: Minimizer,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the PrintingResults class.
args (Dict[str,Any]): The input file arguments as a dictionary with
additional information beyond the command line arguments.
result (Any): The lmfit `results` as a kind of result based class.
minimizer (Minimizer): The lmfit `Minimizer`-class as a general
minimizer for curve fitting and optimization.
self.args = args
self.result = result
self.minimizer = minimizer
self.correlation = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(args["linear_correlation"])
Print the confidence interval.
Source code in spectrafit/
def print_confidence_interval(self) -> None:
"""Print the confidence interval."""
print("\nConfidence Interval:\n")
if self.args["conf_interval"]:
except (MinimizerException, ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as exc:
warn(f"Error: {exc} -> No confidence interval could be calculated!")
self.args["confidence_interval"] = {}
Print the results of the fitting process.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
args | Dict[str, Any] | The args to be printed as a dictionary. | required |
print_tabulate_df(df, floatfmt='.3f')
Print the results of the fitting process.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
df | DataFrame | The DataFrame to be printed. | required |
floatfmt | str | The format of the floating point numbers. Defaults to ".3f". | '.3f' |
Source code in spectrafit/
def print_tabulate_df(df: pd.DataFrame, floatfmt: str = ".3f") -> None:
"""Print the results of the fitting process.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be printed.
floatfmt (str, optional): The format of the floating point numbers.
Defaults to ".3f".
tablefmt="fancy_grid" if sys.platform != "win32" else "grid",
Print the fitting results in the regular mode.
Print all results in verbose mode.
Source code in spectrafit/
def printing_verbose_mode(self) -> None:
"""Print all results in verbose mode."""
Print the status of the fitting process.
Source code in spectrafit/
class PrintingStatus:
"""Print the status of the fitting process."""
def welcome(self) -> None:
"""Print the welcome message."""
tprint("SpectraFit", font="3-d")
def version(self) -> str:
"""Print current version of the SpectraFit."""
return f"Currently used version is: {__version__}"
def start(self) -> None:
"""Print the start of the fitting process."""
print("\nStart of the fitting process:\n")
def end(self) -> None:
"""Print the end of the fitting process."""
print("\nEnd of the fitting process:\n")
def thanks(self) -> None:
"""Print the end of the fitting process."""
print("\nThanks for using SpectraFit!")
def yes_no(self) -> None:
"""Print the end of the fitting process."""
print("\nDo you want to continue? (y/n)")
def credits(self) -> None:
"""Print the credits of the fitting process."""
tprint("\nCredits:\n", font="3-d")
"The fitting process is based on the following software:"
"\n\t- lmfit ("
"\n\t- statsmodel ("
"\n\t- scipy ("
"\n\t- scikit-learn ("
"\n\t- numpy ("
"\n\t- pandas ("
"\n\t- matplotlib ("
"\n\t- seaborn ("
"\n\t- tabulate ("
"\n\t- argparse ("
"\n\t- anymany more "
Print the credits of the fitting process.
Source code in spectrafit/
def credits(self) -> None:
"""Print the credits of the fitting process."""
tprint("\nCredits:\n", font="3-d")
"The fitting process is based on the following software:"
"\n\t- lmfit ("
"\n\t- statsmodel ("
"\n\t- scipy ("
"\n\t- scikit-learn ("
"\n\t- numpy ("
"\n\t- pandas ("
"\n\t- matplotlib ("
"\n\t- seaborn ("
"\n\t- tabulate ("
"\n\t- argparse ("
"\n\t- anymany more "
Calculate the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
Regression Metrics for post analysis of the Fit(s)
provides the following regression metrics for post analysis of the regular and global fit(s) based on the metric functions of sklearn.metrics
- `explained_variance_score`: Explained variance score.
- `r2_score`: the coefficient of determination
- `max_error`: Maximum error.
- `mean_absolute_error`: the mean absolute error
- `mean_squared_error`: the mean squared error
- `mean_squared_log_error`: the mean squared log error
- `median_absolute_error`: the median absolute error
- `mean_absolute_percentage_error`: the mean absolute percentage error
- `mean_poisson_deviance`: the mean Poisson deviance
- `mean_gamma_deviance`: the mean Gamma deviance
- `mean_tweedie_deviance`: the mean Tweedie deviance
- `mean_pinball_loss`: the mean Pinball loss
- `d2_tweedie_score`: the D2 Tweedie score
- `d2_pinball_score`: the D2 Pinball score
- `d2_absolute_error_score`: the D2 absolute error score
The regression fit metrics can be used to evaluate the quality of the fit by comparing the fit to the actual intensity.
D2 Tweedie and D2 Pinball scores
and d2_absolute_error_score
are only available for sklearn
versions >= 1.1.2 and will be later implemented if the End of support (2023-06-27) is reached for the Python3.7
Source code in spectrafit/
class RegressionMetrics:
"""Calculate the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
!!! note "Regression Metrics for post analysis of the Fit(s)"
`SpectraFit` provides the following regression metrics for
post analysis of the regular and global fit(s) based on the
metric functions of `sklearn.metrics`:
- `explained_variance_score`: Explained variance score.
- `r2_score`: the coefficient of determination
- `max_error`: Maximum error.
- `mean_absolute_error`: the mean absolute error
- `mean_squared_error`: the mean squared error
- `mean_squared_log_error`: the mean squared log error
- `median_absolute_error`: the median absolute error
- `mean_absolute_percentage_error`: the mean absolute percentage error
- `mean_poisson_deviance`: the mean Poisson deviance
- `mean_gamma_deviance`: the mean Gamma deviance
- `mean_tweedie_deviance`: the mean Tweedie deviance
- `mean_pinball_loss`: the mean Pinball loss
- `d2_tweedie_score`: the D2 Tweedie score
- `d2_pinball_score`: the D2 Pinball score
- `d2_absolute_error_score`: the D2 absolute error score
The regression fit metrics can be used to evaluate the quality of the
fit by comparing the fit to the actual intensity.
!!! warning "D2 Tweedie and D2 Pinball scores"
`d2_pinball_score` and `d2_absolute_error_score` are only available for
`sklearn` versions >= 1.1.2 and will be later implemented if the
__End of support (2023-06-27)__ is reached for the `Python3.7`.
def __init__(
self, df: pd.DataFrame, name_true: str = "intensity", name_pred: str = "fit"
) -> None:
"""Initialize the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the input data (`x` and `data`),
as well as the best fit and the corresponding residuum. Hence, it will
be extended by the single contribution of the model.
name_true (str, optional): Name of the data. Defaults to "intensity".
name_pred (str, optional): Name of the fit data. Defaults to "fit".
self.y_true, self.y_pred = self.initialize(
df=df, name_true=name_true, name_pred=name_pred
def initialize(
self, df: pd.DataFrame, name_true: str = "intensity", name_pred: str = "fit"
) -> Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]:
"""Initialize the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
For this reason, the dataframe is split into two numpy array for true
(`intensity`) and predicted (`fit`) intensities. In terms of global fit,
the numpy array according to the order in the original dataframe.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the input data (`x` and `data`),
as well as the best fit and the corresponding residuum. Hence,
it will be extended by the single contribution of the model.
name_true (str, optional): Name of the data. Defaults to "intensity".
name_pred (str, optional): Name of the fit data. Defaults to "fit".
ValueError: In terms of global fit contains an unequal number of intial data
and fit data.
Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]: Tuple of true and predicted
(fit) intensities.
true = df[
[col_name for col_name in df.columns if name_true in col_name]
pred = df[
[col_name for col_name in df.columns if name_pred in col_name]
if pred.shape != true.shape:
raise ValueError("The shape of the real and fit data-values are not equal!")
return (
(true, pred) if true.shape[1] > 1 else (np.array([true]), np.array([pred]))
def __call__(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:
"""Calculate the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
Dict[Hashable, Any]: Dictionary containing the regression metrics.
metrics_fnc = (
metric_dict: Dict[Hashable, Any] = {}
for fnc in metrics_fnc:
metric_dict[fnc.__name__] = []
for y_true, y_pred in zip(self.y_true.T, self.y_pred.T):
metric_dict[fnc.__name__].append(fnc(y_true, y_pred))
except ValueError as err:
msg=f"Regression metric '{fnc.__name__}' could not "
f"be calculated due to: {err}"
return pd.DataFrame(metric_dict).T.to_dict(orient="split")
Calculate the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
Type | Description |
Dict[Hashable, Any] | Dict[Hashable, Any]: Dictionary containing the regression metrics. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def __call__(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:
"""Calculate the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
Dict[Hashable, Any]: Dictionary containing the regression metrics.
metrics_fnc = (
metric_dict: Dict[Hashable, Any] = {}
for fnc in metrics_fnc:
metric_dict[fnc.__name__] = []
for y_true, y_pred in zip(self.y_true.T, self.y_pred.T):
metric_dict[fnc.__name__].append(fnc(y_true, y_pred))
except ValueError as err:
msg=f"Regression metric '{fnc.__name__}' could not "
f"be calculated due to: {err}"
return pd.DataFrame(metric_dict).T.to_dict(orient="split")
__init__(df, name_true='intensity', name_pred='fit')
Initialize the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
df | DataFrame | DataFrame containing the input data ( | required |
name_true | str | Name of the data. Defaults to "intensity". | 'intensity' |
name_pred | str | Name of the fit data. Defaults to "fit". | 'fit' |
Source code in spectrafit/
def __init__(
self, df: pd.DataFrame, name_true: str = "intensity", name_pred: str = "fit"
) -> None:
"""Initialize the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the input data (`x` and `data`),
as well as the best fit and the corresponding residuum. Hence, it will
be extended by the single contribution of the model.
name_true (str, optional): Name of the data. Defaults to "intensity".
name_pred (str, optional): Name of the fit data. Defaults to "fit".
self.y_true, self.y_pred = self.initialize(
df=df, name_true=name_true, name_pred=name_pred
initialize(df, name_true='intensity', name_pred='fit')
Initialize the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
For this reason, the dataframe is split into two numpy array for true (intensity
) and predicted (fit
) intensities. In terms of global fit, the numpy array according to the order in the original dataframe.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
df | DataFrame | DataFrame containing the input data ( | required |
name_true | str | Name of the data. Defaults to "intensity". | 'intensity' |
name_pred | str | Name of the fit data. Defaults to "fit". | 'fit' |
Type | Description |
ValueError | In terms of global fit contains an unequal number of intial data and fit data. |
Type | Description |
Tuple[NDArray[float64], NDArray[float64]] | Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]: Tuple of true and predicted (fit) intensities. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def initialize(
self, df: pd.DataFrame, name_true: str = "intensity", name_pred: str = "fit"
) -> Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]:
"""Initialize the regression metrics of the Fit(s) for the post analysis.
For this reason, the dataframe is split into two numpy array for true
(`intensity`) and predicted (`fit`) intensities. In terms of global fit,
the numpy array according to the order in the original dataframe.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the input data (`x` and `data`),
as well as the best fit and the corresponding residuum. Hence,
it will be extended by the single contribution of the model.
name_true (str, optional): Name of the data. Defaults to "intensity".
name_pred (str, optional): Name of the fit data. Defaults to "fit".
ValueError: In terms of global fit contains an unequal number of intial data
and fit data.
Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]: Tuple of true and predicted
(fit) intensities.
true = df[
[col_name for col_name in df.columns if name_true in col_name]
pred = df[
[col_name for col_name in df.columns if name_pred in col_name]
if pred.shape != true.shape:
raise ValueError("The shape of the real and fit data-values are not equal!")
return (
(true, pred) if true.shape[1] > 1 else (np.array([true]), np.array([pred]))
fit_report_as_dict(inpars, settings, modelpars=None)
Generate the best fit report as dictionary.
About fit_report_as_dict
The report contains the best-fit values for the parameters and their uncertainties and correlations. The report is generated as dictionary and consists of the following three main criteria:
1. Fit Statistics
2. Fit variables
3. Fit correlations
About Pydantic
for the report
In a next release, the report will be generated as a Pydantic
Name | Type | Description | Default |
inpars | minimize | Input Parameters from a fit or the Minimizer results returned from a fit. | required |
settings | Minimizer | The lmfit | required |
modelpars | Dict[str, Any] | Known Model Parameters. Defaults to None. | None |
Type | Description |
Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]] | Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]: The report as a dictionary. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def fit_report_as_dict(
inpars: minimize, settings: Minimizer, modelpars: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]:
"""Generate the best fit report as dictionary.
!!! info "About `fit_report_as_dict`"
The report contains the best-fit values for the parameters and their
uncertainties and correlations. The report is generated as dictionary and
consists of the following three main criteria:
1. Fit Statistics
2. Fit variables
3. Fit correlations
!!! tip "About `Pydantic` for the report"
In a next release, the report will be generated as a `Pydantic` model.
inpars (minimize): Input Parameters from a fit or the Minimizer results
returned from a fit.
settings (Minimizer): The lmfit `Minimizer`-class as a general minimizer
for curve fitting and optimization. It is required to extract the
initial settings of the fit.
modelpars (Dict[str, Any], optional): Known Model Parameters.
Defaults to None.
Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]: The report as a dictionary.
result = inpars
params = inpars.params
parnames: List[str] = list(params.keys())
buffer: Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]] = {
"configurations": {},
"statistics": {},
"variables": {},
"errorbars": {},
"correlations": {},
"covariance_matrix": {},
"computional": {},
result, buffer, params = _extracted_gof_from_results(
result=result, buffer=buffer, params=params
buffer = _extracted_computional_from_results(
result=result, settings=settings, buffer=buffer
for name in parnames:
par = params[name]
buffer["variables"][name] = {"init_value": get_init_value(param=par)}
if modelpars is not None and name in modelpars:
buffer["variables"][name]["model_value"] = modelpars[name].value
buffer["variables"][name]["best_value"] = par.value
except (TypeError, ValueError): # pragma: no cover
buffer["variables"][name]["init_value"] = "NonNumericValue"
if par.stderr is not None:
buffer["variables"][name]["error_relative"] = par.stderr
buffer["variables"][name]["error_absolute"] = (
abs(par.stderr / par.value) * 100
except ZeroDivisionError: # pragma: no cover
buffer["variables"][name]["error_absolute"] = np.inf
for i, name_1 in enumerate(parnames):
par = params[name_1]
buffer["correlations"][name_1] = {}
if not par.vary:
if hasattr(par, "correl") and par.correl is not None:
for name_2 in parnames[i + 1 :]:
if (
name_1 != name_2
and name_2 in par.correl
and abs(par.correl[name_2]) <= 1.0
buffer["correlations"][name_1][name_2] = par.correl[name_2]
if result.covar is not None and result.covar.shape[0] == len(parnames):
for i, name_1 in enumerate(parnames):
buffer["covariance_matrix"][name_1] = {
name_2: result.covar[i, j] for j, name_2 in enumerate(parnames)
return buffer
get_init_value(param, modelpars=None)
Get the initial value of a parameter.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
param | Parameter | The Parameter to extract the initial value from. | required |
modelpars | Parameter | Known Model Parameters. Defaults to None. | None |
Type | Description |
Union[float, str] | Union[float, str]: The initial value. |
Source code in spectrafit/
def get_init_value(
param: Parameter, modelpars: Optional[Parameter] = None
) -> Union[float, str]:
"""Get the initial value of a parameter.
param (Parameter): The Parameter to extract the initial value from.
modelpars (Parameter, optional): Known Model Parameters. Defaults to None.
Union[float, str]: The initial value.
if param.init_value is not None:
return param.init_value
if param.expr is not None:
return f"As expressed value: {param.expr}"
if modelpars is not None and in modelpars:
return modelpars[].value
return f"As fixed value: {param.value}"
Generate a warning message.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
msg | str | The message to be printed. | required |
Name | Type | Description |
str | str | The warning message. |