
The spectrafit-rixs-visualizer allows to visualize RIXS data in a 2D plane. The initial data can be a json, toml, npy, or npz file. The npy or npz files are the prefered format, since they are the most compact and fast to load. The json and toml files are also supported, but they are not as compact as the npy or npz files. The json and toml files are also slower to load, since they are not binary files.

     spectrafit-rixs-visualizer -h
    usage: spectrafit-rixs-visualizer [-h] infile

    `RIXS-Visualizer` is a simple RIXS plane viewer, which allows to visualize RIXS data in a 2D plane.

    positional arguments:
    infile      The input file. This can be a json, toml, npy, or npz file.

    -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The spectrafit-rixs-visualizer based in