
With the command spectrafit-data-converter data files can be converted to CSV or pandas dataframes. Currently, the following data formats are

  • The Athena data format
  • Text files with a header and a data seperator by space or tab
  • More formats are coming soon
 spectrafit-data-converter -f ATHENA -h
  usage: spectrafit-data-converter [-h] [-f {ATHENA,TXT}] [-e {txt,csv,out,dat}] infile

  Converter for 'SpectraFit' from data files to CSV files.

  positional arguments:
    infile                Filename of the data file to convert.

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -f {ATHENA,TXT}, --file-format {ATHENA,TXT}
                          File format for the conversion.
    -e {txt,csv,out,dat}, --export-format {txt,csv,out,dat}
                          File format for the export.


To convert a data file from the Athena format to CSV use:

spectrafit-data-converter Examples/athena.nor -f ATHENA

The original data file looks like this, but can contains more rows:

txt # XDI/1.0 Demeter/0.9.26 # Demeter.output_filetype: multicolumn normalized mu(E) # Element.symbol: V # Element.edge: K # Column.1: energy eV # Column.2: JZP-4-merged #------------------------ # energy JZP-4-merged 5263.8492 0.12737417 5273.8501 0.10231758 5283.8503 0.81114410E-01 5293.8492 0.61588687E-01 5303.8493 0.47158833E-01 5313.8497 0.35236642E-01 5323.8502 0.25314870E-01 5333.8506 0.18438437E-01 5343.8501 0.12077480E-01

will be converted to:

csv energy,JZP-4-merged 5263.8492,0.12737417 5273.8501,0.10231758 5283.8503,0.08111441 5293.8492,0.06158869 5303.8493,0.04715883 5313.8497,0.03523664 5323.8502,0.02531487 5333.8506,0.01843844 5343.8501,0.01207748