Working with Athena Data

In this example, the working with Athena output files of type .nor is demonstrated.

Workaround for the Athena output file

  1. Use of the comment option, which allows to remove the header of the Athena-output file. Next, as separator
  2. Use the \\s+ character, it is important to make use of the separator option.
  3. The auto-rename function of SpectraFit change the first column to Energy and the second column to Intensity.

Please also check the official documentation, here. As well as, the GitHub repository, here.

About future plans for Athena
  • In future, automatic detection of the file type will be implemented.
  • Currently, only Athena files with one column for energy and one column for intensity are supported!
"settings": {
    "decimal": ".",
    "energy_start": 5440,
    "energy_stop": 5520,
    "comment": "#",
    "infile": "athena.nor",
    "outfile": "example_8",
    "oversampling": false,
    "separator": "\\s+",
    "shift": 0,
    "smooth": 0,
    "verbose": 0,
    "version": false


Fit of an Athena NOR file with three pseudovoigt, two gaussian, and one arcus_tanh function for edge jump. See also the model-section.

  "settings": {
    "decimal": ".",
    "energy_start": 5440,
    "energy_stop": 5520,
    "comment": "#",
    "infile": "athena.nor",
    "outfile": "example_8",
    "oversampling": false,
    "separator": "\\s+",
    "shift": 0,
    "smooth": 0,
    "verbose": 0,
    "version": false
  "fitting": {
    "description": {
      "project_name": "Template",
      "project_details": "Template for testing",
      "keywords": [
    "parameters": {
      "minimizer": {
        "nan_policy": "propagate",
        "calc_covar": true
      "optimizer": {
        "max_nfev": 1000,
        "method": "leastsq"
      "report": {
        "min_correl": 0.0
    "peaks": {
      "1": {
        "pseudovoigt": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 4,
            "min": 0,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
          "center": {
            "max": 5470,
            "min": 5460,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5468
          "fwhmg": {
            "max": 2.75,
            "min": 0.001,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1.0
          "fwhml": {
            "max": 2.75,
            "min": 0.001,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1.0
      "2": {
        "pseudovoigt": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 4,
            "min": 0,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
          "center": {
            "max": 5470,
            "min": 5465,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5469
          "fwhmg": {
            "max": 2.75,
            "min": 0.001,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1.0
          "fwhml": {
            "max": 2.75,
            "min": 0.001,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1.0
      "3": {
        "pseudovoigt": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 4,
            "min": 0,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
          "center": {
            "max": 5480,
            "min": 5470,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5473
          "fwhmg": {
            "max": 3.75,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
          "fwhml": {
            "max": 3.75,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
      "4": {
        "gaussian": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 10,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 3
          "center": {
            "max": 5485,
            "min": 5475,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5478
          "fwhmg": {
            "max": 4,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
      "5": {
        "gaussian": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 10,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 4
          "center": {
            "max": 5498,
            "min": 5480,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5483
          "fwhmg": {
            "max": 4.75,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 3
      "6": {
        "gaussian": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 10,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 4
          "center": {
            "max": 5498,
            "min": 5493,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5494
          "fwhmg": {
            "max": 4.75,
            "min": 0.1,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 3
      "7": {
        "atan": {
          "amplitude": {
            "max": 5,
            "min": 0,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 1
          "center": {
            "max": 5500,
            "min": 5483,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 5481
          "sigma": {
            "max": 0.75,
            "min": 0.001,
            "vary": true,
            "value": 0.01